Process Notebook

This spiral-bound book shows my process and practices during the BA Senior Project class at San Jose State University, including the Building Awareness project, my Building Accepting and Inspiring Spaces poster, and the Current branding project.

This process notebook was one of the more challenging book projects I have worked on. Selecting a grid system that allowed me to show the diverse formats of the semester’s projects and my varied approaches to their development was critical.

Project 2 was the chapter that largely defined the formatting I used, as its Problem Statement, Goal, and Deliverable information on the chapter page was longer than the others. The Intention spread served as the blueprint for other pages that had fewer images, while the Ideation and Development spread helped me to work out the kinks in organizing multiple images and where and how to divide my process into segments.

The most important aspect of this book was its design as an opportunity for reflection on a semester of work. Its position as a meta-project allows for the critical examination of my own creative process, which is essential to improvement as a designer.


Are You Having Any Fun Yet?


Building Awareness