Are You Having Any Fun Yet?
A saddle stitched, six-page book about the ways I’ve found to make my design process enjoyable, “Are You Having Fun Yet?“ addresses the prompt of “what must design do”. While there are a great many things that design must do to be good, I instead chose to focus on the idea that in order for designers to be happy, design must be fun.
The title: “Are You Having Any Fun Yet?” is a reference to both the song “Are You Havin’ Any Fun?” which I believed to be a Tony Bennet song at the time, as well as every parent’s favorite question “Are we there yet?”. At the time I wrote this book I was excited to graduate in less than two months but also struggling to find joy in the everyday, which the title encapsulates well.
Inside the book are some of the small exercises I’d been using to try and rekindle the creative spark I was losing to burnout as well as some of the smaller everyday practices that helped keep me on track and focused as I was rushing towards the finish line of the semester. I see this project as something I’ll come back to and review when I hit a creative wall, and hopefully my classmates appreciated it as well.